Class Buddies

buddy-1024x716.jpgEach half-term we enjoy “Class Buddies” sessions. The aim of the sessions is for children from around school to be able to enjoy socialising and interacting with other children from around school, who they may not see on a regular basis. Across all of the sessions, teachers regularly commented on what a joy it is to watch the interactions and socialising between new friends from other classes. The children enjoy activities such as deep pressure, role play, going to the park and Forest School. 

We look forward to continue with our Class Buddy sessions throughout the year!

Let's talk

Let's talk

Contact us

Lisburne School

Half Moon Lane, Offerton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 5LB

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school over three sites that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.